Prayer celebrates the mysterious flow of love between God, you and others
through prayer. Featured here are a variety of prayer styles which aim
to direct your heart toward God. |
is the inner bath into which the soul plunges itself." - St. John
Vianney |
We invite you experience Highlights: Artful Creative Time, Contact us for availability and fees. Being In Touch: In God's Hands Our hands are a gift from God and with them we playfully and prayerfully create deeper relationships with God and one another. Participants will have the opportunity to use their hands in a variety of prayer practices and artistic media. Together let us join hands with the Creative Spirit to experience God in community. Please bring a journal. Icons: A Day with the Saints
Looking into the eyes of an iconic portrait has been a focus and form of prayer by Christians for many centuries. Iconic art, since the early Church, was used to lift the soul toward the contemplation of God. Icons or images were represented so the worshiper would aspire to imitate the one portrayed and draw nearer to God. Using a wide array of traditional and modern icon images, we will explore this ancient and current form of prayer through our eyes, mind and heart. Participants also have the opportunity to design and create their own icon to use in the home setting. A variety of art materials will be available and different techniques in creating the image will be demonstrated. Please bring a journal. God draws us into relationship in a wide variety of ways. For those who prefer visual images, we have created contemplative meditation journeys (PowerPoint) to download and enjoy.
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