Prayer celebrates the mysterious flow of love between God, you and others
through prayer. Featured here are a variety of prayer styles which aim
to direct your heart toward God. |
is the inner bath into which the soul plunges itself." - St. John
Vianney |
Pain, No Gain My prayer life, sometimes, is like walking. I know I should pray more because of those special energizing times with God. But, at times, it is hard to do. When I keep praying, despite wanting to give up, then the rest of my day goes quite well.
Walking is like Praying Recently I got the bright idea to walk an hour a day. Sitting in front of a computer for a few hours each day changes the human body into something less than God intended. Many, many moons ago I ran five miles every day except on Sunday. I never felt better than when I ran. So, I thought I would start out walking and maybe work up to jogging. On my first day of walking my leg muscles around my shins started cramping after about three blocks. This is called shin splints and it is very painful. But I continued to hobble along while gritting my teeth. Miraculously, after about a half-hour the pain melted away because my blood was moving oxygen to my muscles. After my brisk walk I felt great for the rest of the day and was more energetic than I have been for a long time. My prayer life, sometimes, is like my walking. I know I should pray more because of those special energizing times with God. But, at times, it is hard because there are so many other things to do. Then there are other times when I pray it feels like I have shin splints in my heart and my emotions are experiencing painful cramps. But when I keep praying, despite wanting to give up, then the rest of my day goes quite well. Praying Past the Pain Almost every day goes well. September 11, 2001 did not go well for our nation and the thousands of victims and their families. Now, when I walk I find myself praying differently. I'm not praying about my shin splints and minor aches and pains. I'm praying for the deep pain and suffering of many widows and orphans in distress. The same people God cares deeply about. If there is any benefit to pain either our own or others is that it brings us to our knees. My emotions have been experiencing painful cramps and it is only when I exercise my prayer muscles does the pain subside. The shin splints in my heart since the tragedy seem miniscule in the overall scheme of things. It is only when I pray that I get past the pain. Praying past the pain means touching God and trusting Him for hope, healing, and help for the suffering survivors. Praying past the pain means walking with Jesus even when the pain doesn't make sense. Praying past the pain means praying about things I don't understand and put them in God's hands. Praying past the pain means walking and praying when walking and praying seem futile. Walking the Talk, Talking the Walk Walking and praying are compatible in the Christian life. The more I walk, the more I pray, and the more I understand my need for both. And my walk and my talk become more like each other. I guess that is what following Jesus is all about, after all. Copyright 2001 © Glenn White. All Rights Reserved. Glenn White went to be with the Lord November 2004. He was passionate about writing for the web and a writer, editor, content manager, and COE (Chief Only Employee) at Write To Inspire, a web site for inspirational and Christian writers. . RECOMMENDED READING:
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