Prayer celebrates the mysterious flow of love between God, you and others
through prayer. Featured here are a variety of prayer styles which aim
to direct your heart toward God. |
is the inner bath into which the soul plunges itself." - St. John
Vianney |
Being Quiet Quieting your soul takes practice, but the results are amazing. In today’s lifestyle we rush from one thing to the next, always doing, always busy. When we are preoccupied with worldly things, the holy seems distant. Practice this quieting activity several times this week and notice that it gets easier to find that quiet place away from daily tensions. You now have a place to escape to when you need it.
Quieting your soul takes practice, but the results are amazing. In today’s lifestyle we rush from one thing to the next, always doing, always busy. When we are preoccupied with worldly things, the holy seems distant. We must admit that in some way we want to keep it that way. What are some ways you have kept God away? Why might that be?
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