Prayer celebrates the mysterious flow of love between God, you and others
through prayer. Featured here are a variety of prayer styles which aim
to direct your heart toward God. |
is the inner bath into which the soul plunges itself." - St. John
Vianney |
Without Ceasing A poem based on 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Rachel offers her perspective on ways to pray always, using our senses and being alert to many opportunities throughout the day. Pray without ceasing; We read in God's Word. Pray without ceasing; Oh, let your voice be heard. Pray without ceasing; God in His Word does say. Pray without ceasing; Take time to pray each day. Praying without ceasing; Means living in God's care. Praying without ceasing; Means praying anywhere. God's ear is always open; He hears your every prayer. He listens and He answers, For He is everywhere. Lift your voice in Thanksgiving; Let your songs be raised. Honor God for His blessing; Lift your voice in praise. If you've put your trust in God, He longs to hear your voice. He wants to bless His children. He gives to you the choice.
(c) August 27, 2000 Rachel Keller To read more about praying continually, jump to the article Whole Life Prayers.
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