Scripture (Lectio Divina)
Wanda Schwandt 2008
with scripture is a wonderful way to spend time with God and allow
God’s Word to sink deeply into your heart and mind. Lectio Divina,
or “Sacred Reading,” is an ancient method of prayer dating back to
the Middle Ages, often described as “digesting” scripture.
Instead of reading 1 or 2 verses along with someone
else’s commentary for devotional time, this practice connects you
and God in a way that speaks to your own daily life. It is a great
way for church committees/teams/groups to begin meetings, praying
that God’s Spirit leads us into discernment for our faith community.
Personally, while practicing Lectio Divina, I feel as if Spirit is
speaking directly to my heart and gently inviting me into grow in
faith, hope, and most of all, love for Christ and others. I pray the
same for you.
Take a few moments to select a passage of scripture
that draws you, then try the following:
Notice: Silencio
Get comfortable and take some deep breaths. Enter into silence by
noticing what around you in the present moment – what you sense and
feel. Then become aware of God’s presence with you.
Taste: Lectio
Read a short passage aloud and get a feel for what the passage contains
and how the words roll off your tongue. Notice your initial reactions
– what shimmers and what irritates?
After each reading, enter silence for as long as it feels right….
Bite: Meditatio
Bite into the passage - read it again; chew on it mentally; ask questions
of the passage and of God. What flows through your mind and heart
during this conversation? Wrestle with it a bit.
If you are reading a story or parable, put yourself in the place of
each character within the story – how would you feel and react as
that person? How do you feel as the words and actions are addressed
to you? Where does this story resonate with your life experience?
Repetition of reading is intended to allow you to savor the Word on
an intuitive level, allowing it to become part of the fiber of your
Swallow: Oratio
Read the passage a third time and let the words sink from your mind
into your heart. Listen intently for God’s invitation to you. This
may also be a good time to journal as your part of this dialogue or
simply offer an appropriate prayer response – praise, gratitude, intercession,
Digest: Contemplatio
Put the words aside and be still in God’s presence. Let God nourish
you as you naturally digest all that has taken place between you.
Don’t work at it; your spirit will do what comes naturally to it,
just as your body naturally digests food without your conscious aid.
God will do the work deep within you without purposeful action on
your part. Be still and rest in God’s loving embrace.
Live: Incarnatio
What invitation or opportunity does this seem to hold for you? What
might your response be to God based on what you have read? Our bodies
become ill when we are undernourished. Consider being nourished regularly
by God in prayer and consider seriously how God is inviting you to
expend the spiritual energy provided you. In all things – balance.